Statistical and Analytical Reports

Iran’s Downstream Oil Yearbook 2012

Published Date: August 2012
Status: Available (Softcopy)

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In line with its practice of covering all information, facts, figures and statistics of Iran’s petroleum Industry, IranOilGas Network has embarked on publishing its 6th successive Yearbook arranged in four categories which comprises ‘Iran Upstream Oil & Gas’, ‘Iran Downstream Oil’, ‘Iran Downstream Gas’, and ‘Iran Petrochemicals’, and contains all that took place in Iran’s Petroleum Industry over the past Iranian year – 21st of March 2011 to 19th of March 2012.
Over the past year, refineries’ crude oil feed stocks experienced over 3% rise compared to a year earlier; however, gasoline production faced some decline.
By enforcing ‘Subsidy Reform’ plan, consumption of oil products has pursued its downward trend over the past year, decreasing about 0.9% compared to a year earlier.
In the same period, the imports of oil products which mainly include LPG, gasoline and gasoil have been also drifting downward at about 49%.
The export of oil products which mainly consists of fuel oil has had an approximately 9% increase over last year.
Development of Iran’s oil downstream sector, which primarily consists of the construction of new refineries as well as upgrading and revamping the existing ones, did not succeed greatly over the past Iranian year.
Insufficient financial resources and shortage of key supplies required for these refineries have been among the main reasons for this sluggish process. Privatization and its enforcement process are among other reasons considered for the refining projects’ lack of success. 
In this edition of ‘Iran Downstream Oil Yearbook’ - besides statistics - an overview of all projects, ongoing in the downstream oil sector last year, has been also provided.

IranOilGas Network is pleased with the administration and the great care taken to ensure that the statistics and figures provided in its Yearbooks are all authentic, reliable, and as per information made known by official sources and the database available on the Network.

* Note: Throughout this Yearbook, ‘last year’ means Iranian year started on 21st of March 2011 and ended on 19th of March 2012.

Table of Contents:

1- Downstream Oil Statistics
1-1- Oil Refining Capacity
1-1-1- Nominal & Actual capacities of oil refineries
1-2- Actual Feed of Refineries in Past 11 Years
1-3- Oil Refining Yields
1-3-1- Refineries’ Actual Yields
1-3-2- Refineries’ Actual Yields in the Past 11 Years
1-3-3- Actual Yields Grouped Separately by Refineries
1-3-4- Yields Grouped Separately by Refineries over Past 7 Years 
1-4- Oil Products Consumption
1-4-1- Oil Products Consumption in the Past Year
1-4-2- Oil Products Consumption in the Past 11 Years
1-5- Oil Products Import
1-5-1- Oil Products Import in the Past Year
1-5-2- Oil Products Import in the Past 11 Years  
1-6- Oil Products Export
1-6-1- Oil Products Export in the Past Year
1-6-2- Oil Products Export in the Past 11 Years
1-7- Oil Products Balance
1-8- Bunkering
1-9- Oil Products Swap
1-10- CNG
1-10-1- Construction & Commissioning of CNG Stations
1-10-2- Production & Conversion of Bi-Fuel Vehicles
1-11- Petroleum Transfer Through Pipeline
1-12- Downstream Oil Plan by 2025
1-12-1- Investment Needed for Downstream Oil
1-12-2- Latest Oil Refining Outlook Figures

2- Downstream Oil Projects  
2-1- New Refineries' Projects
2-2- Expanding and Upgrading the Existing Refineries

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