A part of the information provided on IranOilGas Network (www.iranoilgas.com) is exclusively available to its members by using their granted password. Any kind of copying and reproducing all or portions of the materials, in whole or in part, by any means and with any aims, in any multiple types of media, either print or digital media, or any offline or even online media including all websites, weblogs and emails, is strictly prohibited, and thus, the IranOilGas Network shall be liable to file a lawsuit against the infringer.
All the members of the IranOilGas Network (www.iranoilgas.com), regardless of the date of their subscription, shall abide by the aforementioned terms.
This is the formal policy of the IranOilGas Network (www.iranoilgas.com) to own the copyrights tribute, and thus, liable to file a lawsuit against the infringer, to permanently block access to their account without notice, and to terminate it without refund.