Statistical and Analytical Reports

Iran’s Petroleum Industry Yearbook 2009

Published Date: August 2009
Status: Available (Hardcopy / Softcopy)

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Iran’s Petroleum Industry did not generally do well during the past Iranian year (ending 20th March 2009).
The lackluster situation was especially evident in the Industry’s virtual failure to either start fresh projects
of any importance or complete the ones started previously.

The situation had arisen partly because of a more vigorous implementation of the Western sanctions
against Iran, stemming out of the renowned nuclear standoff, and partly due to the global economic meltdown.
The latter also caused a freefall in the global price of oil, which surfaced in Iran at the beginning of the second half of past year.

The net result of the said facts was that not only Iran was more rigorously barred from having access to foreign
monetary resources, but because of the nosedive in the price of crude oil, the country’s foreign revenues started to plummet as well.

In addition to what went above, lack of stability at managerial levels, unsteady planning and lack of courage in making valiant decisions (because of absence of risk-taking managers) all contributed to the dreary atmosphere in Iran’s Petroleum Industry last year.

Despite that grim picture of Iran’s Petroleum Industry, in line with its practice of covering all information, facts,
figures and statistics of the Industry, IranOilGas Network has embarked on publishing its 3rd successive Yearbook covering all that took place in Iran’s Petroleum Industry during the past Iranian year, 20th March 2008 to 20th March 2009.

In this edition of the Yearbook, the states of affairs of all projects underway during the past year in the Industry
are reported and include; Exploration, Seismic, Development of Oil & Gas Fields, Oil & Gas Refining and
Petrochemical Projects.

Besides, this Yearbook provides all statistics about Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Consumption &
Export, Production/Import of Oil Products and Export of Oil & Petrochemical Products in the said year.
Similar statistics of few previous years are also provided for comparison.

IranOilGas Network has taken great care in ensuring that the statistics and figures provided in its Yearbooks
are all authentic, reliable and as per information disclosed by official sources and the database available
with the Network.

Note: In this Yearbook, ‘last year’ means the Iranian year starting on 20th March 2008 and ending on 20th March 2009.

Table of Contents:

1- Oil & Gas Upstream Sector

1-1- Exploration
1-1-1- Oil & Gas Exploration Statistics
1-1-2- Exploration Projects
1-1-3- Seismic Projects
1-1-4- Exploratory Drilling
1-1-5- Drilling Rigs
1-1-6- Hydrocarbon Blocks Map

1-2- Development
1-2-1- Crude Oil
1-2-1-1- Crude Oil Developmental Projects (New Ventures)
1-2-1-1-1- Onshore Projects
1-2-1-1-2- Offshore Projects
1-2-1-2- Projects to raise crude oil production capacity
1-2-1-2-1- Projects to raise crude oil production capacity of onshore fields
1-2-1-2-2- Projects to raise crude oil production capacity of offshore fields
1-2-1-3- Heavy crude oil pilot production projects
1-2-1-4- Crude oil desalting projects
1-2-1-5- Crude oil export
1-2-2- Gas
1-2-2-1- Production of rich gas in past 11 years
1-2-2-2- Independent gas fields
1-2-2-3- Projects to Develop Independent gas fields
1-2-2-3-1- Developmental projects of onshore independent gas fields
1-2-2-3-2- Developmental projects of offshore independent gas fields
1-2-3- Gas Gathering & NGL Projects

2- Oil & Gas Downstream Sector

2-1- Crude Oil Refining
2-1-1- Oil Refining Capacity
2-1-2- Oil Refining Yields
2-1-3- Oil Refining Projects
2-1-3-1- Projects to build new refineries
2-1-3-2- Expanding and upgrading the existing refineries
2-1-4- Petroleum Products Import
2-1-5- Petroleum Products Export
2-1-6- Petroleum Products Consumption Volume
2-1-6-1- Petroleum products consumption in past 7 years
2-1-7- Crude oil/petroleum products transfer through pipeline

2-2- Gas Refining
2-2-1- Gas refining and consumption
2-2-1-1- Gas production/consumption statistics in past 11 years
2-2-2- Condensate production statistics in past 4 years
2-2-3- Gas Refining Projects
2-2-4- Gas transmission projects
2-2-5- Gas export projects
2-2-6- LNG projects
2-2-7- Underground gas storage projects
2-2-8- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

3- Petrochemical

3-1- Petrochemical Projects
- NPC’s performance in projects in past 4 years
- NPC’s Projects brought on stream last year
- Total Physical Progress of Petrochemical Projects at Assalouyeh
- Total Physical Progress of Petrochemical Projects at Mahshahr
- Total Physical Progress of Petrochemical Projects in Other Regions

3-1-1- Petrochemical Projects at Pars Special Economic/Energy Zone (Assalouyeh)
3-1-2- Petrochemical Projects at Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (Mahshahr)
3-1-3- Petrochemical Projects in Other Regions
3-1-4- NPC’s Projects to be brought on stream next year (March 20th 2009 to March 20th 2010)
3-1-5- List of NPC’s Under-Study Projects

3-2- Petrochemical Production, Export & Local Sale
3-2-1- Petrochemical Production
- Production of Petrochemical Complexes during last year
- Production Shares of NPC Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Actual Production/Production Plan of NPC Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Actual Production/Nominal Capacity of NPC Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Iran’s Petrochemical Production in last 5 years
- Iran’s share in World/Middle East output of basic petrochemical products in last 5 years
3-2-2- Petrochemical Export
- Figures of Exports by Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Export value shares of NPC Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Export value/weight shares of NPC Petrochemical Plants per Market Areas during last year
- Comparison of export figures, in value and in weight, in last 3 years
3-2-3- Petrochemical Local Sales
- Figures of Local Sales by Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Local Sales value shares of NPC Petrochemical Plants during last year
- Comparison of Local Sales figures, in value and in weight, in two consecutive years
3-2-4- Iran’s Petrochemical Future Plans of Production, Export & Local Sales

4- Oil/Gas Plans by 2025

4-1- Oil Upstream
4-2- Gas Upstream
4-3- Total investment needed for oil & gas upstream

4-4- Oil Downstream
4-4-1- Investment needed for Oil Downstream

4-5- Gas Downstream
4-5-1- Investment needed for Gas Downstream

4-6- Natural gas fuel/feed for petrochemical units
4-7- Investment needed for Petrochemical sector
4-8- Crude oil and petroleum products income

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